Finding Practical Solutions for Outdoor Companies since 2019.

Our Services

Frontyard Law is a professional outdoor legal and advocacy firm pioneering in the field of the outdoor recreation. The outdoor recreation industry is an emerging economic powerhouse that mixes a cross-section of traditional practice areas including business, real estate, intellectual property, employment, land conservation, among others. Having a handle on the intersection of various concepts and being able to provided seasoned practical advice is the Frontyard’s mission. Our services are rooted in knowing our clients professionally and personally and providing services based on their best interest.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Business Representation.

Frontyard clients are businesses that draw some connection to the outdoors, whether directly or indirectly, yet have the same issues as companies in other more mature industries. Frontyard performs general corporate work for a variety of companies ranging from contract review, commercial transactions, finance, rea

Corporate Formation and Partnerships

We advise clients on entity formation which suits the business needs. From start-ups to solo proprietors, we evaluate the client roadmap based on industry involvement, partnership relations, business intention, and risk tolerance. From there we are able to understand the business playing field and work with multiple partners in drafting LLC agreements, buy/sell agreements, joint ventures, restructuring, tax issues, and other matters that impact your bottom line.


From business acquisition & sale, commercial financing, to ownership exits and private investment, the lifecycle of a business is exhausting. At Frontyard, we are able to see the forest for the trees and guide clients through inevitable deal fatigue that can sometimes derail a transaction. So whether it’s a start-up capital issue or sale of membership interest, we have you covered.

Intellectual Property.

Frontyard Law has a long history working with client brands and providing protection and proactive intellectual property strategies. From navigating the murky waters of trademark filings to licensing sensitive IP, we understand market terms, rates, and trends to keep your IP assets protected for the long haul.


Frontyard partners with a variety of non-profit organizations who perform critical services to the social side of business. Principal Tyler Ray has founded two non-profits and represented countless others on a variety of issues ranging from memorandum of understandings to partner relations to corporate bylaws and real estate leases. It’s a complicated world out there and having streamlined guidance increases the chances that your volunteer time can be stress-free.

Contract Law

Frontyard performs a variety of contract review for clients ranging from more standard issues such as employment contracts, license agreements, and purchase agreements, to more complex arrangements such as supply and distribution agreements, software agreements, joint ventures, real estate leases and/or commercial transactions.

Real Estate

While Frontyard does not perform real estate closings for clients, it does represent sellers and buyers in those same transactions drafting purchase and sale agreements, commercial leases, and other matters related to real estate, which can often be the most valued asset of a business.

A lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade.